Minggu, 05 Mei 2013

Legoo Island

Something unplanned always ends unbelievable !. I trust this words. I love spontaneity !. Me as unorganized person, tend to do something uplannedly.
The main and logic reason_why_just because when i plan to do something,most of theam are never ever happen :D.

Another unplanned happened last day. Me, and my three other friends, deal to sightseeing a new place that we never visit before. My friend_amie_the only male, driving the car. First destination is Bantul. Actually Bantul’s lively. Even there is no mall or movie theatre here, but nothings different between Bantul and Yogyakarta.

After almost one hours we’re on the way,nowhere to go, finally we found the beautiful way. ‘Pinus” on the left and right side of the main road, all along the way. From high to short.We decide to stopped at this area. And as you guys guessed, we took some pictures here, and did all great poses.
Then, we moved to another amazing place. Guess what we found ? a beautiful fresh and green wet rice field. Again, we also took photographs.Actually we’re late to get the best/good lighting for took picture. We’re not good for close uppose, but we got the best for backgroungd scenery.

Amie’s the best photographer for us. He knew how to get the beautiful view, and put them in camera’s shot.
The greatest thing we saw, you guys know, there’s a secret beautiful place. It has wet rice field on the left side area, buuuuuuttttt...*o my gosh*, we found the composed sea ‘s flow. How amazing when can get the best of both places. And lastly, we named it by “Legoo Island”. Since it’s private, and sure..it has beautiful sunset.Wish next week we can again, but with larger sums.^^

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