Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

Be and Stay Healthy !

Aigoooo...it’s so hot nowadayas. Sometimes i dont dare to go outside about 11 AM to 2PM. Why ? cause somebody told me at that time duration,UV’s in The highest radiation. It’s bad for healthiness, coz it caused (skin)-cancer.

Well talking about something healthy, it relates to this month program theme : Be Healthy !. We did the correlating work on last week. Some previous weeks, we also always held the routine gathering. Every week has EO’s .Someone who arrange the gathering, start from concept,day, until the event held. And for this time, Bjep’s turn. Based his passion, he made big plan to did sport activity on last month. But just because we still waited for kaka who were not coming at that time, so he re-arrenged the schedule’s time.

Bjep loves to physic activities so much. So thats why he made this event : Legoo Badminton Championship. When i was kid, i took participated in Badminton Local Club. I love it. But i dont know why when i met oka, i felt..well...okay..i’m not excellent enough. There are more people here expert on this sport ranch.

But since that was our weekly gathering, and it a must !. So i decided to came and..wanted or not..i had to involved !,lol.

Bjep divided us into two sections, female and male. First round, qira vs mriri. Qira was so good here, even physicly she’s shorter than mriri.But she’s so fast and surely she has good physical energy.
Next round, i faced rafa. Not so far to qira, she’s incredible excellent. So thats why she won this tournament, and been the ultimate winner.She beated kaka,qira,and of course...me !.

For male’s, bjep was the winner.Afkar for the second place, and bfar for the third place.
Well..even i was in the last place..but..at the end, the most important lesson, i love being sweaty. I’m typically sweaty type easily. Just do simple moves, sweats come out from my body. Then, i deel relax. And my mind’s positive. Thats way doctor suggest us to work out.When we feel stress.

Most of us dislike pysical activity.It’s tired.Boring.And..we dont have enough free time. Exceptional, when we want to shape our body, we do it.But actually, our body need it. Every day. Not just the diet supporting program, but because our body need stay healthy.

Since this month program relates to this topic, i had made plan to relive again my past positive routine : work out everyday.Is it possible ? Even sorry to know i am moody person, but bravely i say : I take this challange 

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