Selasa, 30 April 2013

My Passion

Well.honestly i am  moody person. I change something easliy.Let say for the example, i love to write fancfic all the week, but when one or some weeks pass by, i am not happy enough to continue.Thats why seems normal when i say “yes” first but then i say “no” rapidly.

But it’s not valid for passion. Finally i found what the contents of “Passion”.On my words, passion is something you most like to do, even you’re getting bored, you will feel miss it. On this case, my mood change descendly anytime, but on some moments, i want to do it again,more and more.

Somebody ask to me, what’s your inspiration to create a story ?
on the simple words
: i get inspiration when i listen to music/a song, watching movies, or reading some news.

Why do you love to write fanfic so much ?
It is easy.tend to easier than write novel.because i can use my friend’s name/character to build my vision. Its easier when you write the story while you know the character more.But it doesnt meaning i use my friend’s character based on what i feel to them, because..sometimes i put the contrast character for their name. For example : i ever wrote fanfic about one of my friend_kaka.In the real life, she’s sanguistic, but in the story, i created she’s melancolic. :D

Why do you always write about ONEW ?
Because i like him so much. He has the unique character to explored. And sure, physicly, he has smilling eyes, east asia look, and sure he’s smart.So when i make a story about me and him, i can imagine / make vision easily. 

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